Getting Back To The Basics with Jason Thomas - JT

Enjoy Greater Success By Listening To Your Highschool Coach & Get Back To The Basics

As a small business owner, sometimes it may feel like you’re up against an impossible wall. But the truth is, great success is within reach for any of us brave enough to shoot for it – and the key to really achieving that success lies in simple fundamentals. Forget complicated strategies and grand experiments; with just a few clever tweaks based on classic principles, even businesses with humble origins can excel beyond their wildest dreams. Follow me here and let’s get back to the roots!

Embrace the Basics – Don’t be afraid to go back to the basics of business and focus on the fundamentals of success.

Starting from scratch can seem intimidating in the complex and ever-changing world of business, but sometimes the answer is to simply strip it back to basics. Don’t be afraid to embrace the fundamental principles that have formed the backbone of business for centuries. After all, they have stood the test of time for a reason. Success comes from mastering the basics, not juggling the latest trends and buzzwords. Focus on your core values, stay true to your brand, and don’t be afraid to take inspiration from the past. You’ll be surprised at how going back to basics can reinvigorate your business and lead to greater success.

Nail Down Your Goals – Determine what you want to accomplish

We all have things we want to accomplish in life, right? But how many times have you found yourself aimlessly wandering through the day without making any progress toward those goals? It’s time to nail them down! Get clear on what you want to achieve and then write that down. Whether it’s a big dream, a small goal, or something in between, give it the attention it deserves. Just start with one goal at a time and use any kind of timing system to keep yourself accountable. Set milestones so that you can have some small wins in the process. Doing that will help you stay motivated in the process.

Make Detailed Plans – Even if your plans change, make sure to outline a strategy for reaching your goals.

Let’s face it, even the best-laid plans can go awry sometimes. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bother making them in the first place. In fact, taking the time to carefully outline your strategy is the key to success. Not only does it help you stay focused and on track, but it also gives you something to fall back on when things get hectic. Whether you’re starting a new business venture, prepping your next product launch, or just trying to stay organized, putting pen to paper and creating a roadmap for achieving your goals is always a smart move. Hell, even if you never look at the plan after you write it you will have at least thought out the steps you originally wanted to go through. Even just doing that will put you in an infinitely better place than the guy that is just winning it.

Execute Your Plan – Take action and make things happen instead of waiting for something to happen.

Waiting for opportunities to come knocking on your door is like waiting for a fish to jump into your boat. Sure, it could happen, but the likelihood of that happening is about as likely as winning the lottery. If you want something, it’s up to you to go after it, to make it happen. Be the fisherman, not the fish, and execute your plan like a boss. Don’t be afraid to take chances, to make mistakes, and to learn along the way. Remember, nothing worth having ever came easy, so get out there and make things happen.

Track Your Progress – Monitor your progress regularly to see how far you’ve come and adjust accordingly. This will help you fall in love with the process and build discipline

Listen, if you’re not tracking your progress, how the heck do you know if you’re even making any progress? In order to determine performance you must first determine the metric you want to track. Then you determine how you will measure it. After that, you evaluate your data against a standard. An easy example is the engine in your car. Say your engine is rated from the factory at 300 horsepower. Now we know what we are tracking (HP) and how much your engine should make (our standard). But when you go to do a dyno test you find out that the motor is actually putting out 325 horsepower. You have an engine that is overperforming by 25 horsepower or 8{baba8e0c5c46237a23c51f2c3be34a8eada08c3ca1c661fbf9d74c34e7be8c69}. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? That is for you to decide. Yes, the engine is giving you more than expected but at what cost? Can that output be sustained or will it cause a failure? Wait, when did we start talking about managing your team? See what I did there…

Stay Consistent – Practice makes perfect and the more consistent you are the faster your behaviors will become habit. Too many business owners suffer from shiny object syndrome

The grass is greener where you water it. Not where you decide to throw it out and grow something entirely different. Shiny object syndrome is not your friend. That new strategy you read about last week might seem like the perfect solution to all your problems, but here’s the real secret to success: consistency. Success does not happen overnight and will take longer if you can’t pick a direction and keep going that way. Instead of turning around if you find yourself veering off course just make minor corrections until you are going back in the right direction. In the long run, you will reach your goal much faster without doubling back all the time looking for a shorter path.

In summary, success starts with setting the stage for a winning attitude and taking small steps consistently on a daily basis. Get clear on your goals, map them out, take action aligned to those goals, track your progress along the way, always refine and adjust based on progress reviews and stay consistent in your behavior despite any roadblocks or challenges you may face. Trust that you can make what you want to happen and get comfortable with feeling like an underdog. It’s time to embrace the basics, gain clarity on what you want to accomplish, make a detailed plan of action, execute your plan no matter the obstacles that come up, and track your progress along the way. The journey is all yours – now go out there and own it!

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