Sales & Marketing – JT Has Your Back I make it my responsibility to help businesses grow! Mon, 08 May 2023 21:37:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sales & Marketing – JT Has Your Back 32 32 Marketing Ideas for Outdoor Tour Providers Mon, 08 May 2023 21:37:11 +0000 Outdoor tour providers are the perfect escape for people seeking adventure and exploration, but with the right marketing strategies, they can attract even more potential clients. It’s imperative for outdoor tour providers to create an unforgettable experience for their customers, and to do that, you need to market effectively. In this blog post, we’ll share some marketing ideas you can implement to promote your outdoor tours business.

  1. Use Social Media Platforms to Your Advantage: If you want to reach your target audience, you need to show up where they are congregating the most. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are excellent places to reach potential clients. Outdoor adventure photos and videos can do wonders in creating visual feeds that capture the essence of the experience. Using hashtags, partner with influencers, and create sponsored ads to broaden your outreach and target specific consumer segments.
  2. Leverage Email Marketing Effectively: Another way for outdoor tour providers to capture leads and potential clients is by sending personalized emails. With the right email marketing services, create well-designed newsletters with special promotions and create engaging content that excites potential clients to start booking tours. Send out newsletters consistently for optimal results, keeping clients informed and engaged and reminding them of your adventure tours.
  3. Utilize Content Marketing: Position your tour provider website as an adventure hub for would-be explorers who use keywords to learn more about the experience. Create and share relevant and educational content on your website blog to tips and advise would-be clients on outdoor and travel ideas, and seek to educate them on the value of the experience. This type of content marketing helps build confidence in the quality of the adventure tour service and can reinforce the desire to book a tour of your own.
  4. Personalize the Experience: Your tour provider company should look to make the experience as personal as possible for your customers. Showcasing interactive touchpoints on your website will help enable more personal client interactions that build loyalty. Deliberate touches like following up with clients post-tour with personalized thank-you notes or having a personal touch like a tour guide’s personal video message can do wonders for building relationships with clients, and encourage them to book more tours.
  5. Offer Amazing Deals and Discounts: Offering clients amazing deals and discounts is one of the most effective ways to keep them engaged and attract new ones. Offering clients discounts for group bookings or ones for ‘referral bonuses’ can incentivize more clients to book adventure tours with your company. Discount coupons and gift certificates for not just your tours but also local attractions, restaurants, and shops will encourage them to explore the area more.

Having an adventure of a lifetime is one of the most sought-after experiences that people always desire. For outdoor tour providers, being able to fulfill that desire requires not only an incredible experience but deliberate marketing strategies. These marketing ideas give your tour provider company the ability to reach the right audience effectively, create engaging content and make it easy to transfer interactions to client relationships and ultimately increase your bookings. By utilizing these marketing ideas, you can ensure your tour provider business will continue to grow and prosper and allow your potential client to experience the adventure of their lifetime.

Give Them The WIIFM And You Will Close More Deals Wed, 26 Apr 2023 23:18:04 +0000 When you’re trying to close a deal, is your approach to focus solely on your company or product’s features and benefits? Well, you could be missing out on a major opportunity to seal the deal. That’s where “WIIFM” comes in. WIIFM, or “What’s in it for me,” is a marketing concept that emphasizes the importance of putting the customer first. In this post, we’ll discuss what Wiifm means and why it’s essential for closing more deals, especially for small business owners.

WIIFM and Your Customers

The concept of WIIFM isn’t about manipulating customers or tricking them into thinking they need your product. Rather, it’s about understanding what your customers truly value and how your solution can fit into their unique needs. By focusing on your customers’ motivations and pain points, you can craft your message to resonate with them on a deeper level. This could mean highlighting how your product solves a specific problem they’re facing or how it aligns with their company’s values.

WIIFM and Your Sales Approach

Implementing WIIFM into your sales approach means taking a customer-centric approach. Rather than focusing on why your product is the best, you should focus on what makes it ideal for your customer. This means listening to their needs and questions and tailoring your responses to match. It also means avoiding jargon and technical terms that your customers may not understand or care about.

WIIFM and Your Marketing

From your website copy to your social media posts, your marketing messaging should reflect the Wiifm concept. This means speaking directly to your customers in a language they understand and highlighting the value you can bring to them. At every touchpoint, you should be answering the question “What’s in it for me?” from the customer’s point of view. Use reviews, testimonials, and case studies to show real-life examples of how your product helped people.

WIIFM and Your Competition

Incorporating WIIFM into your sales and marketing messages can help set you apart from your competition. By taking a customer-centric approach, you can show potential customers that you truly understand their needs and are here to provide solutions. This can be a powerful differentiator in crowded markets. It’s universally true that people buy from people they know, like, and trust – by showing real-life examples, you can increase the likeability factor and build trust simultaneously.

WIIFM and Your Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the WIIFM concept can help improve your bottom line. By focusing on the needs of your customers, you can deliver value and build long-lasting relationships with them. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, more repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals – all of which can contribute to the growth of your business.

In today’s market, it’s no longer enough to simply promote your product’s features and benefits. Wiifm is about looking beyond your interests and understanding the customers’ psyche. By understanding your customer’s motivations and pain points and tailoring your messages to match, you’ll be able to close more deals, show a competitive edge and boost your bottom line. As a small business owner, incorporating WIIFM into your sales and marketing strategies could be a game-changer.

I mean, have you ever bought something that you didn’t see the WIIFM in?

How Personal Branding Can Give You the Midas Touch Fri, 24 Mar 2023 12:53:57 +0000 As small business owners, we all dream of having the golden touch – that ability to turn everything we touch into gold. While that may seem like a pipe dream, it’s actually achievable with a bit of help from personal branding. Personal branding is the art of creating a unique identity for yourself that sets you apart from others in your field. It’s not just for celebrities and politicians – every small business owner should have a personal brand. In this article, we’ll explore how personal branding can give you the Midas touch and make your business a success.

Personal Branding Helps You Build Trust:

Building your personal brand is all about establishing trust with your audience. When people trust you, they’re more likely to do business with you. By creating a cohesive brand message that resonates with your target audience, you can build a loyal following that’s willing to invest in your services or products. People trust you because they feel they know you and what you stand for. Building a personal brand requires discipline and consistency as every social media context and message counts toward it!

Personal Branding Will Help You Expand Your Reach:

Expanding your reach is all about increasing your visibility on social media platforms. By creating valuable content that resonates with your audience, you can build a strong online presence that drives traffic to your website. Personal branding can help you achieve that by creating a consistent presence across different platforms. This can help you extend your reach, grow your online community, and ultimately turn those followers into loyal customers.

Personal Branding Will Boost Credibility & Expertise With Your Customers/Clients:

Personal branding is a great way to boost your credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field. You can do this by sharing valuable knowledge and insights through your blog, social media, or speaking engagements. As more people recognize you as an authority in your industry, you will have more opportunities to showcase your expertise, and this can be a powerful tool for growing your business.

Personal Brading Will Also Foster Connections:

Personal branding enables you to foster genuine connections with your audience. By revealing more about who you are as a person, you can create a more profound sense of authenticity and trust, and this bond will increase the likelihood of people doing business with you. This is especially important in the age of the “know – like – trust” funnel, where people are more likely to buy from individuals or brands that they know, like and trust.

And Finally, Personal Branding Will Help You Build a Strong Legacy:

Building your personal brand is a long-term investment that can have a lasting impact on your business. It helps you establish yourself as a thought leader and carve out a unique niche within the market. This will make it easier for you to expand your business and establish yourself as a recognized name in your industry. A strong personal brand also lays the foundation for a lasting legacy that can be passed down to future generations, making your business a success for years to come.

The Take Away – People buy from people that they Know, Like, & Trust

In conclusion, building your personal brand is essential to building a successful business in today’s market. It helps you establish trust, expand your reach, boost your credibility, and foster connections with your audience. By investing in your personal brand, you will be able to transform your business into a thriving success story – the ultimate Midas touch. Remember, it is not just about having a fancy marketing package but rather about creating a genuine, unique presence that represents who you are and what you stand for. So start building, and with some dedication and consistency – results will soon follow.

The Basics: How To Sell Anything Tue, 21 Mar 2023 01:00:19 +0000 Selling can be hard. It’s not for the faint of heart. But with the right tactics, you can become a master deal-closer in no time. Keep reading to find out how!

5 Tips To Close More Sales

Tip #1: Do Your Research

Before you start selling, make sure you know what you’re selling—inside and out. Research your product/service thoroughly so that you can answer any questions that come up during the sales process. This will help build trust with potential customers, who will be more likely to buy if they feel like they’re getting honest, accurate information from a knowledgeable source. There is very little that you can do that is more effective at turning away people that would have otherwise paid for your services than not being able to answer questions about it.

Tip #2: Know Your Audience

Another important factor to consider when selling is who you’re selling to. Understanding your target audience is key in order to make sure you’re using the right language and presenting your product/service in an appealing way that speaks directly to their needs and interests. People like to claim that they can sell anything to anyone. You can’t. Why would you want to? If you spend a little time defining who your ideal customer/client is you’ll prevent A LOT of wasted time and effort.

Tip #3: Can’t Sell If You Have Nobody To Sell To

You don’t have to stick with traditional methods of advertising—try out some new ideas! For example, if you’re trying to sell a product or service online, why not create an interactive game or quiz on your website? Not only does this provide potential customers with a fun experience, but it also allows them to learn more about what you have to offer at the same time. Plus, it gives them the incentive to come back and visit your site again later on down the road.

Tip #4: Use Social Media, Use Social Media Correctly

Social media isn’t just a place for sharing memes and catching up with friends—it’s also an incredibly powerful marketing tool! Make sure that your business has an active presence on all of the major platforms (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Post regularly about new products/services or upcoming promotions—just make sure not to get too spammy! Also, don’t forget about customer service—respond quickly and professionally whenever someone reaches out with a question or comment about your company. Social Media is probably going to be one of the first interactions you have with a potential customer even if you weren’t aware of it. Make sure that you are setting the right image for your brand and use it how social media was intended – to foster relationships.

Tip #5: Follow Up

Last but not least, follow up with each lead after they’ve expressed interest in what you have to offer. Send personalized emails, call them, text them, send a smoke signal, and a carrier pigeon if you have to. You went through all of the trouble and money to get your message in front of someone that said they wanted more. It would be a ridiculous waste and a dereliction of duty to stop at anything short of the person asking you to stop contacting them.

That being said. Don’t go overboard here though. Yes, you want to keep attempting to contact a lead until they tell you not to but you still have to give them space. In the beginning, give it a little more effort. 1 call/text and an email for the first couple of days and then pushing it out a day for each attempt for 3 to 5 attempts. If they haven’t responded to you yet they probably are not ready to buy anything no matter what you do. This is where you want to have an email marketing program to continue to nurture your prospect until they do become ready.

Selling isn’t easy!

But by following these five tips – doing your research, knowing your audience, generating leads with creative marketing strategies (including social media), and relentlessly following up – any small business owner should be able to close more deals than ever before! Good luck!

The Basics – Google Ads Wed, 01 Feb 2023 23:31:12 +0000 Google Ads are a crucial part of running a successful business. With the right strategies in place, you can drive traffic, increase conversions, and grow your business exponentially. In this article, I’ll be sharing my tips and tricks for managing Google Ads like a boss.

First things first, let’s start with the basics. Google Ads is a paid advertising platform that allows businesses to place ads on Google and its advertising network. When someone searches for a keyword that’s related to your business, your ad may show up in the search results. The goal is to create an ad that’s relevant, eye-catching, and gets people to take action.

  1. Set a Budget
    One of the most important things to keep in mind if you don’t want to go broke when managing your Google Ads is to set a budget. This will help you control your spending and avoid overspending on advertising. You can set a daily or monthly budget depending on your preference. Just make sure to stick to it! This is the first thing you should set in your campaign. I remember once a long time ago when I was learning Google Adwords (yep, it’s not even called that anymore) i pulled the trigger and set a campaign to live. Then I went to grab lunch. I was gone maybe a hour and because I forgot to set the budget I had already blown through my intended budget for the month. Learn from my mistakes, SET THIS FIRST SO YOU DON’T FORGET!
  2. Choose Your Keywords
    When creating your Google Ads campaign, you need to choose the keywords that you want to target. These keywords should be relevant to your business and what you’re offering. For example, if you’re selling shoes, you might choose keywords like “running shoes”, “tennis shoes”, or “sneakers”. The more targeted your keywords, the better your chances of success. Now that you have addressed the keywords that you want your ads to show for you also need to pay special attention to the words that you don’t want your ads to show for. Say you run a fishing charter. Of course, you are going to want to target people that like and are interested in going fishing. Naturally you might think that using fishing as a keyword would be a good idea. But that could be only one of the words in their search. What if the person searching was actually looking for a fishing video game. Unless you are also selling video games you could have just set yourself up to lose some of your advertising budget by getting a click from someone who was just curious but didn’t actually want to go out on your tour. Negative keywords are used to stop that. If you had added video game as a negative keyword it would have stopped your add from showing. Try to get as targeted as possible.
  3. Create Compelling Ads
    Your ads need to be eye-catching, relevant, and provide a clear call-to-action. Make sure to include a strong headline, a clear message, and a high-quality image or video. Your ad should stand out from the crowd and get people to take notice. Which headline would you be more likely to click on if you were looking to take a date out for a boat ride “Dinner Cruise” or “Romantic Sunset Dinner Cruise With Dolphins Just Off The Bow” it’s hard to see how a small change can make a big difference.
  4. Optimize for Mobile
    With more and more people accessing the internet on their mobile devices, it’s important to optimize your ads for mobile. At this point almost every search starts out from a mobile device and then moves to a computer only when it gets serious. Why boot up the computer for a simple answer when your phone is right in your pocket. Make sure that your ads are easily viewable and readable on mobile devices. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase your chances of success.
  5. Track Your Results
    You can not determine performance if you don’t measure! And, one of the best things about Google Ads is that you can track your results in real-time. You can see how many people are clicking on your ads, how many are converting, and how much you’re spending. This information is valuable as it allows you to make changes and improvements to your ads to get better results.
  6. Make Adjustments
    Google Ads is a constantly evolving platform, so it’s important to make adjustments to your campaigns as needed. This might mean changing your keywords, improving your ad copy, or adjusting your budget. The more you test and make changes, the better your results will be. Even if you are only advertising 1 product or service you should be running at least 2 ads. Let them run and then at a predetermined interval check them and dump the lower performing ad and create a new one. This is commonly referred to as A/B testing. Just make sure you are not being impatient and that you are allowing enough time to get enough data to make a GOOD decision. At a minimum I recommend a week. As time goes on you can even extend this when you start to get a handle on what’s working and what isn’t.
  7. Be Patient
    One of the biggest mistakes that businesses make when managing Google Ads is giving up too soon. It takes time to see results and make changes to improve your campaigns. Be patient and stick with it. The results will come! I can’t count how many people I’ve talked to that have completely screwed up their campaigns simply because they have shiny object syndrome.

In conclusion, managing Google Ads can be a fun and exciting experience when you have the right strategies in place. With the tips and tricks I’ve shared, you’ll be on your way to managing your Google Ads like a boss and growing your business to new heights. So go ahead and give it a try, and remember to have fun and enjoy the process! Your business should be bringing your joy not headaches!

Now get out there, Hustle & Repeat! – Jason Thomas “JT”

8 Effective Ways to Market Your Business Online Without Spending Money Wed, 26 Oct 2022 21:11:40 +0000 As we all know, marketing our business to potential customers is a necessary part of having a successful business.

The issue with traditional advertising, such as newspaper, radio, and television ads, is that they can be expensive and may produce little or even no return on investment.

Advertising online may be a better option. You can track the effectiveness of each advertisement. Then, you can focus your marketing strategies on the techniques that are the most profitable. Plus, there are options for online advertising that don’t cost you any money at all!

Here are some free online marketing methods that you may want to consider for your business:

  1. Partner up with another expert in your field. Consider joining forces with another brand. You can then offer a more substantial product together than either one of you could offer alone.
    • In addition, you’ll automatically get the attention of both audiences, resulting in more sales and adding more leads to your email list. In the future, these new leads can drive more sales of another one of your products.
    • Partnering on even one marketing campaign can bring long-term benefits to both of you.
  1. Encourage user-generated content. If you can acquire user-generated content, your website will grow without you having to create your own content. This type of content also increases your website visitors. Enable comments on your website and contribute to the discussions.
    • Allow visitors to submit their own articles and encourage guest posts from other experts.
  1. Affiliate marketing. When you create an affiliate program for your business, you will be getting other experts in your field and the public to send business your way. This can be mutually beneficial, and you will only be paying commissions (after the sale) if the affiliate makes a sale.
    • As with the partnering technique, many of these new visitors will sign up for your email list, even if they don’t buy something right away, bringing you long-term benefits and sales.
  1. Be active on social media. There are millions of users visiting the various social media platforms daily, so it makes sense for your business to have a presence there.
    • Share funny or interesting images or videos that are relevant to your business.
    • Post insights and valuable information.
    • Let your audience know when you have a sale on your products. Give your social media followers coupons or discounts.
    • Encourage engagement by participating in discussions. Ask questions and answer theirs.
    • Run a survey, poll, or contest.
    • In turn, these will then be shared by your followers, increasing your reach and ultimately resulting in more sales of your products or services.
  1. Use free online tools. There are plenty of tools online that can help your business. You can sign up for websites that will enable you to create free surveys, or you can use a free online service to send emails to your customers. You do not have to pay a premium to receive top-notch service.
  2. Change and reuse old advertisements. Rather than going through the expensive route of creating new articles with every marketing campaign, try reusing parts of an advertisement that worked well. This will save you time and expense.
    • Plus, keeping consistent brand imagery through every ad will help with brand recognition too.
  1. Build an email list. If people are visiting your website, chances are good that they are interested in what you have to offer. Make a form available for them to join your email list and be kept in the loop about future product releases or special offers.
    • Once they’ve signed up to this email list, you can send emails to these prospects with news and further information about your products. Let them know whenever something goes on sale.
    • Email marketing is one of the best ways to drive sales. Treat your list members like gold, because that’s what they are to you and your business.
  1. Create some video content. Video content is incredibly important nowadays as the younger generation would rather watch a video than read a blog post. If you can create interesting videos, you’ll create interest in your brand.

It’s certainly possible to do online marketing without spending money. Some of these methods might take some time and effort to implement, though, before you see profits.

For example, it can take a while to build an email list. However, once you have a list, making sales can be as easy as sending out an email to your list. Once you’ve built a social media following, making sales can be as easy as making a post on your social media accounts.

If you want to see an immediate ROI, like for a special promotion, you may want to consider paying for ads online. But if funds are tight, be patient as you put these free strategies into place, and soon you’ll have plenty of ways to make immediate sales for free.
