Entrepreneurship  – JT Has Your Back https://jthasyourback.com I make it my responsibility to help businesses grow! Tue, 18 Apr 2023 23:29:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://jthasyourback.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-Site-Icon-32x32.jpg Entrepreneurship  – JT Has Your Back https://jthasyourback.com 32 32 The Real Reason You Can’t Find Good Help These Days https://jthasyourback.com/the-real-reason-you-cant-find-good-help-these-days/ Tue, 18 Apr 2023 23:29:47 +0000 https://demo6.bigskyconsulting.net/?p=2507 Hate to break it to you but it’s probably not the applicant’s fault.

If you have ever said the words “You just can’t find good help these days” then you NEED to keep reading!

Are you a small business owner desperately searching for reliable, competent help these days? If the answer is yes, don’t worry – rest assured that it’s not because there aren’t any good workers out there. The real reason why you can’t seem to find quality employees could very well lie with you. That’s right, YOU!

You’re probably ignoring some of the basic forces motivating qualified people to seek employment in your company and commit to long-term loyalty. According to a Harvard Business Review report, there are four primary elements that would-be employees are looking for from their potential employers. Ignoring even one can mean bad news for your bottom line and lead to countless weekends spent frantically scouring job sites, so read on if you want educated insight into solving this universal issue once and for all.

But, if all you are looking for are warm bodies for low-paying gigs then this article is NOT for you. This is an article about how to attract skilled professionals to help you grow your business.

Still Here? Good, let’s proceed

First, let’s set the table a little. As of March 8, 2023, there are 1.9 jobs open for every person actively seeking employment. That means that it’s a seller’s market in the world of labor. That means that your job opportunity isn’t much of a privilege anymore. The people applying to your opportunity have other options and they can afford to treat you as such. The question you should be asking yourself is not “Why can’t I find any decent people to work for me?” and instead needs to be replaced with “How do I attract the right talent?” The good news is, that’s what the rest of this article is about.

What do employees really want?

According to the Harvard Business Review, there are four main factors that employees consider when deciding whether to join or stay with a company:

  1. They want to know that the company is reputable
  2. They want to know that the company will still be there tomorrow
  3. They want to know that there is room for advancement
  4. They want to be paid what they feel they are worth

While all of these factors are important, failing to meet even just one of them can significantly hinder your ability to attract and retain good help and it’s up to the CEO to provide the vision and plan to make these things a reality.

The importance of a balanced approach

You might be tempted to think that as long as you offer competitive compensation, employees will be more than willing to overlook any deficiencies in the other areas. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. According to the Harvard Business Review, “[Y]ou can have 1 through 3 but not 4 and you are dead in the water. And, it’s the same if you have 4 but not 1 through 3.” This means that offering a high salary without providing stability, growth opportunities, and a good reputation can be just as detrimental as offering a low salary with all other factors in place.

The Solution: understanding and meeting the needs of prospective employees

If you want to attract and retain the best talent, it’s essential to understand what your employees want and to make an effort to meet those needs. For example, to address their desire for job security, ensure that your company is financially stable and has a long-term plan in place. To demonstrate commitment to employee growth, create and implement professional development programs and provide clear paths for advancement within your organization. And, of course, offer fair compensation based on industry standards and each employee’s skills, experience, and qualifications. Even better could be to implement a performance pay structure with a built-in safety net.

Putting it all together

As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations and overlook the needs of your employees. However, if you want to attract and retain the best talent, it’s crucial to take a step back and assess whether your company is meeting the four key needs outlined by the Harvard Business Review. By committing to providing a reputable, stable, and growth-oriented environment —paired with fair compensation—, you can create a workplace where employees are happy, engaged, and here to stay.

It’s time to stop blaming the labor market and start paying attention to what your staff wants. If you don’t, they will probably leave for someone that will.

Crucial Things to Consider When Choosing a Business Partner https://jthasyourback.com/crucial-things-to-consider-when-choosing-a-business-partner/ Thu, 13 Apr 2023 23:32:32 +0000 https://demo6.bigskyconsulting.net/?p=2498 Life can surprise us in thrilling ways, like when the love of our life comes into view and initiates that spark. On other occasions though, it pays to be proactive – taking ownership over who we partner with. It could result in a beautiful friendship or an incredible working relationship!

Starting a business can be an overwhelming undertaking with multiple responsibilities to keep track of – that’s why having the right partner is so important. Not only do they provide financial support, but being partnered up also gives you access to valuable insights and advice which could make all the difference in hitting your growth goals.

Picking a business partner is no easy feat. It can be akin to marriage – make the wrong choice and you’ll have quite the divorce on your hands in order to undo it all! Consider wisely before taking this major step.

When picking a partner for your business, the right decision could make or break you- so it’s essential to choose carefully. Consider all angles and research their background before signing on the dotted line!


When selecting a business partner, trust is paramount. After all, you will be relying on them not only to look after their own interests but also yours and your company’s – plus any customers or people dependent upon it. All factors should work together for mutual success.

If you don’t feel confident enough to trust a prospective business partner with your financial information or most valued belongings, then it’s not the right time for a partnership. Remember that any actions taken by them will ultimately have repercussions in your life.


Finding a business partner who is truly aligned with your values and vision for the future can be hard, yet it’s critical to ensure long-term success. Make sure you both have similar ideas of where the company should go and that there are healthy communication channels between you – otherwise disagreements could quickly derail progress.

When considering a business venture with someone you’re friends with, it’s important to look beyond the relationship. Analyze whether they possess qualities that will help create an outstanding company or if your decision is solely based on personal connection.


Having the right partner is key to a successful venture. Consider who can fill in your gaps, and make sure you cover all your bases together for long-term success!

Having a shared skill set with your partner is great, but it can be more beneficial to have complementary talents instead. With different strengths in play you’ll be able to cover all the bases and tackle tasks together as opposed to relying on outside help. Ultimately this will lead to greater success for both of you!

Working with a business partner can be beneficial, both by having someone to share ideas and responsibilities, as well as compensating for skills you may lack. When looking for the right person to collaborate with, it’s essential that your strengths complement each other in some way – so if creativity is second nature to you then targeting partners who bring an analytical outlook could work perfectly.


Finances are a critical component of finding the right business partner; after all, you won’t get anywhere without both parties putting in their fair share. When it comes to selecting someone who will help your venture reach its goals, make sure money is part of that equation.

Partnering with someone who puts nothing back into the company but continuously takes from it is a recipe for disaster – so why risk it? Make sure you choose wisely!

A successful business partnership requires both partners to take on the same amount of risk. Mismatched investment levels can lead to an unbalanced relationship, so it’s important for all parties involved that everyone is willing and able to participate as equals.

Choosing Your Business Partner

Choosing a business partner is an important decision, so take time to ponder the options. A bad choice could be catastrophic – not just for your business but also for yourself and your future prospects. Weighing up all possibilities should ensure that you select someone with whom you can build something strong and secure together.

10 Effective Habits Of The Successful Entrepreneur https://jthasyourback.com/10-effective-habits-of-the-successful-entrepreneur/ Sat, 01 Apr 2023 16:43:58 +0000 https://demo6.bigskyconsulting.net/?p=2155

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. You need to juggle multiple tasks, keep your financial books in order, and handle the ever-changing market like a champ. But, what sets apart successful entrepreneurs from the rest is their habits. Yes, you read it right. The little things you do every day can have a huge impact on your business in the long run. So, if you’re looking to up your entrepreneurial game, here are 10 effective habits for the successful entrepreneur.

Increase your odds for success with these habits:

  1. Get into the Habit of Planning: As an entrepreneur, there’s never enough time in the day. That’s why planning becomes essential. Make it a habit of setting clear, specific, and achievable goals for your business every week, month, and year. By doing this, you’ll be able to stay on track, focus on the important tasks, and avoid distractions.
  2. Learn to Prioritize: Successful entrepreneurs know how to prioritize their tasks based on their importance and urgency. One way to do this is by using a “to-do” list. This list will help you stay organized and reduce your workload, making it easier for you to focus on tasks that add value to your business.
  3. Get Comfortable with Risk-Taking: When it comes to entrepreneurship, taking risks is essential. Successful entrepreneurs know how to manage their risks, analyze their options, and make calculated decisions. They understand that without taking risks, they cannot grow their business and achieve their goals.
  4. Keep Learning: The business world is constantly changing, and to stay ahead of the curve, you need to keep learning. Make it a habit of reading books, attending conferences, and networking with other successful entrepreneurs. This will not only keep you updated but also help you develop new skills and ideas for your business.
  5. Focus on your Customers: Your customers are the backbone of your business, and without them, it’s impossible to succeed. Successful entrepreneurs know this and make it a habit to focus on their customers’ needs and wants. They provide excellent customer service, take feedback seriously, and keep their customers happy.
  6. Make Time for Self-Care: Running a business can be stressful, and that’s why it’s important to make time for yourself. Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of self-care and make it a habit to exercise, eat healthily, practice mindfulness, and take breaks when needed.
  7. Surround Yourself with the Right People: As an entrepreneur, the people you surround yourself with can make or break your business. Make it a habit to surround yourself with positive, motivated, and like-minded people who share your vision and goals. This will not only keep you motivated but also provide you with valuable advice and support.
  8. Stay Persistent: Success doesn’t come easy in the entrepreneurial world. It takes time, effort, and persistence. Successful entrepreneurs make it a habit to stay persistent, even when things get tough. They are resilient, adaptable, and they never give up on their dreams.
  9. Build Your Crystal Ball: When it comes to future challenges, I’m like a psychic superhero, able to anticipate obstacles and recognize warning signs before they even appear. It’s like I have a crystal ball, except my powers come from experience and gut instinct rather than inanimate objects. Some people might call me cocky for having such confidence, but I prefer to think of it as swagger. After all, if you can predict and prepare for obstacles, why wouldn’t you strut your stuff? So bring on the challenges, future. I’m ready for you.
  10. Develop a strong work ethic: This means not only meeting deadlines and completing tasks efficiently, but also being diligent, reliable, and disciplined in their work. Successful entrepreneurs are driven to achieve excellence, even in the face of obstacles, and are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to get the job done right. This dedication to their work is motivated by a sense of personal integrity and a desire to contribute to their team or organization. In the highly competitive world of entrepreneurship, a strong work ethic is essential for success and plays a critical role in fostering personal growth and professional development.

Successful entrepreneurs are a rare breed who possess certain habits that set them apart from the rest. From a young age, they have an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering determination to succeed. They are willing to take risks and embrace failure as a way to learn and grow. They also possess excellent communication skills and the ability to build strong relationships with employees, clients, and partners. In addition, they are disciplined and organized, prioritizing their time and energy to achieve their goals. These habits may seem simple, but they are crucial to success in the world of entrepreneurship. With these habits in tow, entrepreneurs can pave the way towards a successful and fulfilling career.

So there you have it, 10 effective habits for the successful entrepreneur. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you’ll be able to improve your productivity, stay focused, and achieve your goals. Remember, success in the business world is not always about what you do but how you do it. So, keep hustling, stay persistent, and never give up on your dreams.

What are your current habits? Can you see why your current habits have either helped you or harmed you on your path to business success? Think about what you want to accomplish to be successful and build a set of habits that will support those activities.

The person with the best habits usually wins. How far will you go with your habits?

Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs Short on Time But Hungry To Create New Connections https://jthasyourback.com/networking-tips-for-entrepreneurs-short-on-time-but-hungry-to-create-new-connections/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 22:32:00 +0000 https://demo6.bigskyconsulting.net/?p=2163 As an entrepreneur, you know the value of networking–the connections built at events often bring a significant portion of new customers and can be key to finding investors or partners for growth. However, it may seem daunting with limited time available when every second counts in business. Don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to build relationships quickly without sacrificing quality relationship-building moments!

With these quick tips on Networking as an Entrepreneur Short on Time, you’ll have all your bases covered while managing that precious resource: TIME!

Try these strategies…

Make It a Daily Habit

The more you practice networking as a daily habit, the more naturally it will fit into your day.

Becoming a networking powerhouse doesn’t have to take hours out of your day. A five-minute ritual at the start of each morning can improve relationships with partners, investors, and peers without much effort. Use that traffic jam or waiting period in line for something else as an opportunity — set up phone calls and make sure you reach out on social media

Consistency is key: incorporate this habit into daily activities just like brushing your teeth so there won’t be any more excuses when it comes time to connect!

If networking becomes a habit then it starts to feel more natural.

What’s more, when networking becomes a habit, it also becomes something that you don’t have to force yourself to make time for.

You will be less likely to make excuses that you don’t have a moment to spare.

Leverage Existing Connections

Networking isn’t just about building new relationships.

Sure building relationships is the foundation of any successful network. But don’t forget to look closer to home – your current colleagues could be a great source for introducing you to people in your industry!

Why not use lunchtime as an opportunity? Getting together over food can provide insights into just how talented, experienced, and connected someone might be — adding value that perhaps wasn’t there before or was overlooked. So next time you break bread with coworkers, get ready to find out all they know about who’s worth knowing!

Getting to know your team could also reveal that certain employees have hidden talents that you could be utilizing better in your business.

Use Existing Activities

Networking is a skill that can benefit you in any situation. Take advantage of your already established social activities to not only expand your connections, but practice and hone this important ability.

You may find unexpected allies at the gym or do-it-yourself laundry services who could have a profound effect on further advancement opportunities – so don’t forget those mundane spots! Being able to make meaningful relationships with people around us can give us an edge when it comes time for career progression and cultivating potential future ties.

Getting practice into your day where you can work on your ability to build emotional links to others is a lot more valuable than most people realize.

Schedule Important Events in Advance

Stay on top of your networking game and make sure you don’t miss out on any important events! With effective organization, it’s possible to prepare for in-person meetups well ahead of time. Doing so gives you the chance to attend all those must-see gatherings – maximizing both your contacts and opportunities.

Networking is a key part of professional growth and success. Make sure to give yourself the best shot at it by planning ahead! Set aside time in your schedule every month for attending industry events – both offline and online – that you find particularly interesting or relevant, so you have enough preparation when they come around.

Be selective about the kind of events you choose. Ideally, you’ll want to visit an environment where you can reach people who you are going to be able to provide a benefit by learning about yourself and your business.

Use Social Media

Finally, social media is one of the most popular and convenient ways to network these days. After all, the intent behind social media is to foster relationships and relationship building

Maximize your online connections and make sure you’re always on the lookout; with a few minutes of effort daily, you can build an invaluable network that’ll be instrumental in achieving success. Leverage social media to establish strong relationships without sacrificing too much time — put those networking skills into action! Just make sure that you don’t end up going down a rabbit hole and getting trapped endlessly scrolling.

Set a specific amount of time aside so you can avoid getting distracted for too long. Having multiple accounts is also a way to help you keep on task and is a common practice for professionals. Keeping your business and personal relationships separate will help you focus on the things that matter at any given time. School pictures of the kids might be cute and a nice way to keep up with your friends but they are not very likely to provide much benefit to your business efforts.

Looking Forward

Networking is one of the single most important things to help you and your business succeed.

By using existing activities, scheduling events in advance, and making it a daily habit, you will be able to foster relationships without taking away from the other tasks you need to complete. Social media can be used as an effective tool for increasing your networks, although it is best used alongside traditional networking methods.

Lastly, leverage the contacts you already have – never underestimate the value of the people who already know and trust you.

With this knowledge in hand, there is no excuse not to get out there and start networking!

What other networking tips do you have? Let us know in the comments below!

How To Start Your Day Like A Successful Entrepreneur https://jthasyourback.com/2109-2/ Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:26:47 +0000 https://demo6.bigskyconsulting.net/?p=2109 It’s all about routine if you want to get your day started right

Talk to any entrepreneur and they have a secret for success.  Some people find it natural to think outside of the box.  For others it’s taking risks.  Some will say that staying humble, even I the face of huge success is what it takes.  Everyone is different, sure, but you won’t find it very hard to notice that there are some traits that successful entrepreneurs all seem to share.

Like this one, talk to most any successful business owner and they will tell you that building a solid routine will help with unlocking opportunity.

Here are some of the things that you could be doing to spend your morning like a successful entrepreneur:

A. Wake Up Early

No, you don’t HAVE to be the early bird to get the worm in business these days in business, but it can definitely help. According to Richard Branson, the entrepreneur behind Virgin, wherever he is in the world, he makes a 5am wakeup call a high priority.

  1. Branson believes that getting up early give him the time to spend with his family before having to get down to business
  2. Here are 2 tips to make getting up a little easier. First, do it in small increments.  Get to bed 30 minutes earlier than you are used to.  Then set your alarm to go off 30 mins earlier as well.  As waking up starts to get a little easier do it again and again until you are waking early enough.  Secondly, set your alarm for your new wake up time but, before you go to bed, pour yourself a cup of water and leave it along with an energy supplement on your nightstand.  Then set an alarm for 30 minutes before your desired wake up time and take the supplement with the water when it goes.  Then just go back to sleep until the next alarm goes off.  At that point the energy supplement should be starting to kick in and make it much easier to get moving.

B. Be Prepared

Do you find yourself trying to figure out which tasks you should tackle first? The fog of the morning isn’t the time to be scheduling what goes where.  That is part of why it can be so helpful to plan ahead.

  1. Take a few minutes at the end of each workday to put together an action list for the first things that need to get done the following day.
  2. This way you can start your day with a little preallotted focus to quickly get you on the path for getting things done.

C. Exercise

It’s no secret that exercise does amazing things for both the mind and the body. There are tons of studies out there that show that exercise improves energy and cognitive ability.

A few minutes a day spent sweating it out before work can also help you clear the mind and reduce stress before heading to the office.

  1. If you are wondering how to use the time you found in step one, 30 mins of exercise every morning could be what the Dr. orders.
  2. Follow that up with a healthy breakfast to nourish your mind, kick your metabolism into gear and supply you with the energy needed to handle the day.  This is as good as time as any to start getting some what in too. 75{839a47db61e542da03686060922eb321ead1ec4c457b6fc765ea919194fc3d48} of Americas walk around dehydrated on a regular basis.

D. Do The Toughest Tasks First

Plan your day to best facilitate success. Start with the tough stuff. Eat The Frog as Mark Twain would say.  Basically, meaning to do the things you least want to first.

  1. Overcoming the biggest challenge first makes the rest of the day seem a little easier by comparison.
  2. Additionally, knowing that easier tasks lie ahead can be motivating as you move though the day
  3. Gina Trapani, the founding editor of Lifehacker.com says your mind is clear first thing in the morning and you’re not distracted by the other demands yet. This is your chance to get things done!


Successful entrepreneurs know how important it is to avoid distractions as much as humanly possible.  This often means not constantly checking your email and/or social media on the way to the office.

  1. Starting your day with a heavy dose of social media will actually make it easier to get distracted later in the day as well.
  2. Try starting the day with something that helps relax you while waking you up at the same time. If exercise doesn’t help lower your stress before work, then you need to find something else that does.  Nobody wants to deal with cranky co-workers.

F. Illuminate the Possibilities

Finally, if you are still struggling to start the day on a positive note here is a way to brighten things up…literally. Turning on the lights around your house or opening your curtains (post getting dressed please) will actively wake you up.  It is the best way to tell your brain that the day has started with or without you.

  1. Natural light tells the body to stop producing melatonin – an essential hormone for staying asleep.
  2. Getting outside for some fresh air and natural light is a get way to boost your mood before work.
  3. No way to get outside conveniently get outside before work? Don’t worry, brightening your indoors can help a lot too.


All of this is just to help get your mind thinking about what your morning routine could involve to start acting more like a successful entrepreneur.  It is perfectly acceptable and even expected for you to put your own spin on this.  No routine is worth anything if you don’t stick to it.  So, find out what you like through a little trial and error and build some morning rituals of your own!
