Better Communication = Better Business with Jason Thomas - JT

Better Communications = Better Business

As a small business owner, it is important to remember that success isn’t just about having the best product or service on the market – it’s also about communicating effectively and efficiently. As someone who has owned their own business for over 10 years now, I can confidently say that better communication leads to better business outcomes. But this doesn’t happen without effort! In this blog post, I’m going to share three tips on how you can be a more effective communicator that you can practice and start seeing the benefits almost immediately in your day-to-day operations and unlock more success in your business today. So buckle up and let’s do this!

1. How to find out what they do without even asking

So, let’s set the stage here. You’re at a local networking event and the speaker just finished so it’s time for you to get out there, shake some hands, and kiss some babies (please don’t do that part unless invited, it’s weird and this is just an analogy).

How do you find out what the person you talk to does for a living without having to sound like a hawk of a salesman or gold-digger looking for their next victim? Please don’t tell me that you just bluntly blurt out “So, what do you do?” Even some of the most well-off people with prestigious jobs that I know hate getting that question. So imagine what it does to someone that is “in-between” engagements. If your goal was to have a smooth conversation you may have already ended your chances.

How do you do it though? It really isn’t anything more than just reframing that same question to be a little more innocuous. Instead of asking the dreaded “What do you do?” try rewording it to “How do you spend the majority of your time?” This way gives an escape for the people that don’t want to talk about their position and it lets the rest shine as they get to tell you their answer.

2. How to make them feel that you are the same “class”

Mirror, mirror on the wall…(clears throat) Yes, it’s as easy as mirroring the person you are talking to. What is mirroring? Essentially, it is just copying what someone does.

Midwesterners that are used to wide open spaces will naturally stand a little further apart. But someone from New York that rides the subway probably won’t get very uncomfortable if you are a lot closer. Italians are known for talking with their hands. The polished and professional elites might drink their tea with a pinky out. While your average country boy is going to be happy with a beer on a tailgate. If you want to blend into your surroundings a little easier and “mesh” with the people in the room try taking your cues from everyone else around you.

People are not the only source for your behavioral inspiration. Your product can take the lead just the same and give you all the cues you will need. If your product or service is directed at the wealthy act as such. Make sure you mind your manners, speak well, and be courteous. Conversely, if your product was designed for the average Joe you can probably loosen up your collar and your language.

3. How to get them to call you back

So, you’ve reached out to someone and they haven’t called you back? Don’t take it personally, they’re probably just intimidated by your charm and wit. But if you really want them to call you back, here’s what you do: don’t be afraid to show a little personality in your voicemail or follow-up email. Show them what they’re missing out on by not responding to you. And if all else fails, just casually mention that you have a yacht and a butler named Jeeves. That’s sure to get their attention. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.

Jokes aside, there is a simple way to improve your chances of getting your prospect to call you back. It’s called a Cliffhanger.

Which of these messages would you be more inclined to return?

A. Hi, this is JT, call me back


B. Hi Jeff, this is JT from Big Sky Consulting, I got to thinking after our conversation the other day and I think I came up with a solution. Can’t wait to fill you in! Please call me back asap.

Not rocket science right? Using a Cliffhanger is pretty simple. All you have to do is give someone just enough of the info you want to relay to peak their interest, but not so much as you go ahead and answer their questions before you get the chance to talk. TV and radio are famous for doing this. Right as it’s getting good…commercials. Does it work? Well, do you know how that show ended? If you liked the show, I”m going to guess you do. If you didn’t, probably not. In that way it will also help you weed out the “wrong” people to do business with.

Wrapping Things Up

All in all, communication should always be your topmost priority when it comes to running a successful business. Not only is it a key factor in connecting people and establishing healthy business relationships, but also allows you the opportunity to make sure everyone is on the same page and helping each other reach their goals. So, if you’re not too confident with your interpersonal skills, it might be worth putting in some extra effort before you make that important phone call or go for that next meeting. It could mean the difference between getting what you want out of the situation and having to come back for another round of negotiations later on. Just remember that by being proactive about making connections, staying up-to-date with industry changes, finding out what they do without asking and looking for those commonalities between you – these 3 tips will take you from zero to hero in no time.

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