Any of this sound familiar to you? “I’ll start at the gym on Monday.”  “I’m going to get that certification next semester.” “I’m not good enough for this.”  If any of that resembles you, well, you’re not alone.  Few people don’t have to contend with these thoughts on a daily basis. BUT, you don’t have to let them kill your progress and stop you from becoming successful!


1. Fear of Failure

It’s natural to have a little anxiety or even fear when you start something new. But, if you are letting that fear control you, it can and most likely will prevent you from taking any risks and ultimately achieving your goals.

  • Here are some tips to help you deal with fear a little better. Identify what you are afraid of. Understand that failure is important step in learning and a critical part of improving anything.  Set realistic goals and make/write out a plan to attain these goals.  Add individual tasks or milestones into your plan to help with building confidence along the way.
  • Get help when you need it. Nobody expects anybody to know the things that they have never been taught.  Find a mentor so that you can learn from someone that has already made the mistakes.  But everyone fails at some point, don’t be afraid to take risks.
  • In general, start small and work your way up. Be prepared for the occasional setback and use a little grit to get through the hard parts.

2. No Motivation

Everyone loses motivation from time to time, it’s natural. But if you let it get the best of you it’s only going to make it that much harder to reach your goals. Everyone loses motivation from time to time, it’s natural. But if you let it get the best of you it’s only going to make it that much harder to reach your goals.

  • Here are a couple of tips to help when you are lacking motivation: take a few minutes to sit and reflect on why you do it all in the first place, set SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Then, simply make a plan.
  • Find someone to help hold you accountable. Seek support from other.  Find a role model.  If Michael Jordan had a shot coach then you can use a business coach of some kind.
  • Focus on your progress rather than your failure and you might find it easier to create the drive to make it through the difficult times.

3. Procrastination

This is easily one of the most common flaws that everyone suffers.  Even with the best of intentions even the most motivated will somehow find a way to put something off until tomorrow occasionally.

  • Here are some helpful way to prevent putting things off for another day: set deadline and commit to them. Make todo lists with an action plan.  Break tasks down into manageable pieces but try not to make so many that it seems overwhelming.
  • Eliminate distractions so that you can focus on what it is you are doing. The more quite you keep your surroundings the easier you will be able to maintain your attention.
  • Start with the most straight forward task first and let the momentum build until you complete what you set out to.

4. Perfectionism

This is buy far the most annoying flaw out there.  We live in a society that puts perfectionism on a pedestal.  But really, perfectionism is probably more responsible for failure than almost anything.

  • Get to the MVP (minimum viable product) and pull the trigger. At that point you have something that will work and you can continue to refine the process/product after that.
  • Good is often times better than great. Spending too much time focusing on what YOU THINK makes something great eliminates time for your staff and/or customers test and tell you what would be.
  • Remember nothing is perfect. Focus on continual improvement. Embrace failures as a chance to learn and get better.  So stop comparing yourself to others.

If you are practicing any of these 4 fatal flaws you are definitely playing an active role in preventing your own success.  Start with identifying the flaws you have and then start taking the necessary steps to overcome them.  In no time you’ll be on your way to conquering your goals!

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